
Speaking esoterically dimensions are different planes of reality. This is what I am addressing.

5th dimensional frequency has shown its face. With the last 2 full moon and the eclipses a tremendous wave of energy has moved through which brought in faster and higher frequencies again. The 5th dimensional frequency has entered our planet. With it, new expansive sometimes uncomfortable growth pops up.

With this it is exposing us to all the things we need to let go of emotionally so we can move freely into the 5th dimensional consciousness. It is very important to meditate to see what is showing its face. Look at it   through discerning eyes, then lovingly release it through the breath. Let it break down back into the universe. Balance and center through the Om Sound.

Breath in, out with the Ommm as much as you need to.

Let the emotional hold dissipate as Karma finishes at this letting go stage.

Once this clearing happens many of us will move into spiritual roles of service to humanity. As Teachers, Light Holders, Healers, Guides,way showers if you will, etc... There will be the architects of a new society. We individually and collectively will be building a new future, but we must clear out all the old so we can do this. This is where we are at, at this moment. As this develops the 5th frequency shift moves in.  The 5th frequency moves extremely fast so take breaks, take walks in nature to ground yourself. You will still be in the 3rd dimension watching the breakdown and destruction of the 4th dimension and getting glimpses of the 5th.

We each have things we feel called on to do for the betterment of the whole self and ALL living things.

Including and foremost our planet. For without each of us doing our part we will not have it or a civilization. This is bigger than us. The planet can and will survive without us, so it is our choice. You might say:” It can’t be done if it’s only me” it all starts with self and then more will follow. We each are individually responsible 1st and foremost.


1.Awareness of how we live our lives and how efficiently we use our resources.

2.Learn Co-Existing – Find that something good in everyone and everything.

Conversations must be had with open listening and not reacting so that we can get to the solutions. There is so much to say here as to what this new energy has brought. It is showing us that we have more emotional baggage then we thought and without emptying it ALL we will not be able to cross over to our new roles and our new reality.  Which leaves us in limbo. The new frequency does not work in the 3rd dimension. We are in the 4th dimension now still in 3rd dimensional thinking with 5th dimensional access.  So we must start opening up our way of thinking.

This frequency is here and attainable.  However, this is not easily accessed unless we purge all the old stuff.

We are now going through our shedding of what was.

How we see the world is not working anymore. Things are not fitting because our reality is changing.  We now must be open to a new way of life and thinking that can move us into a golden age of peace. Believe it or not we have all come to be apart of this greater story. Again 4th dimension is the break down to come to. The end of and the beginning of.

There is nothing the same as it was, so we are having a time of it. We are learning to let go and just allow spirit to work through us. We can count on this to bring us through.

Do gentle loving things for yourself allow for the simple nurturing. Baths, massage, quite space, walks, use aromatherapy oils and whatever nurtures you.  Incorporate this into our daily lives.

The conflict we are having is letting go of the concepts we have created and lived by for so long and the structures of our world which don’t make sense anymore.

We are hanging on for dear life because we don’t know where it’s all going.

Now all of our structures and institutions are not working.. All is in transition from how we identify with self (in every way) and the new world that needs to be created.

This is what is meant by working from the inside – out. Clear ourselves, then come from our intuition and higher selves to create the outside world we wish to live in.



Gabriella Celiberti